Friday, October 5, 2007

I don't live in L.A.

Do you ever take a deep breath of fresh air and remember that you don’t live in L.A?

It’s so lovely and fresh to remember what you have.

hen house.jpg

I was just thinking about eggs and wondering why hens lay unfertilized eggs (seems like a waste of nutrients!). Anyway, I was thinking how no one around me would say, “because God knew we needed food”. In my adolescence almost everyone who would have been a resource for questions like that would have given just such an answer. If I’d said “well, but, I mean, are there any other reasons?” I would get the evil “are you thinking about evolution, young lady” look.

I don’t mean to sound angry (though I am resentful of lost education) but just need to say count your blessings!

If you’ve never experienced this you’re lucky and if you’ve come out of it with your brain in tact and you sense of wonder and curiosity not snuffed out you should really pat yourself on the back.

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