Wednesday, January 19, 2011

San diego Trip

We had Frankie's first flight last weekend. He was a champ! We went to San Diego to visit Jared's (and my) cousins. We hit the San Diego Zoo (for free, thanks to Amber's sister), the coast, a house party, and lots of hanging out. It was great to see family and reconnect. The weather didn't hurt either.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What a nice day.

He napped for an hour and a half in the morning and another 2 and a half hours in the afternoon. I read my book and snuggled with him while he napped in the afternoon. I had the Sky Babies over for mommy date and went to a good, long walk with him. He went down with only a couple of cries and JJ and I ate spicy pasta and watched Pushing Daisies.